Sunday, May 17, 2009

Adhearsion Sandbox Rocks

I presented in April at the Ruby User's of Minnesota (RUM) on creating voice enabled applications using the Adhearsion sandbox and another service called Slides from the presentation can be found here. Some people I know were unable to attend or unable to follow along during the demo, so I thought it might be fun to put together a quick screencast of the steps to get yourself working in the sandbox. The sandbox is completely free and provided by Jay and Jason at to give developers like us an opportunity to get our feet wet and play with Adhearsion. Enjoy the screencast! It's amazing just how fast one can get up and running and hope you have an opportunity to start creating voice enabled applications in the future. There's a lot of potential customers out there using plain old cell phones and the cost to implement voice enabled applications using Open Source frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Adhearsion is a small fraction of proprietary solutions.

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